How to Show Yourself Kindness and Compassion During Yoga Practice
Seeking ways to show kindness and compassion to oneself during a yoga practice is a journey many embark on. Drawing on wisdom from four seasoned Yoga Instructors, this guide explores the practice of Ahimsa, the celebration of small victories, and the power of mindful breathing to create a balanced, nurturing experience on the mat. Here, you'll find four meaningful insights to support your path toward self-acceptance and deeper connection in every pose.
- Practice Ahimsa and Celebrate Small Victories
- Modify Poses and Embrace Your Practice
- Avoid Mirrors and Negative Self-Talk
- Focus on Breath to Find Balance
Practice Ahimsa and Celebrate Small Victories
Keep in mind: Yoga is a lifestyle, not a competitive sport. Practicing ahimsa (non-injury) can be difficult for the competitive spirit. The key is listening to your body. Imagine your yoga mat is a deserted island and there is only you. In each asana, think about what muscles should be activated and (just as important) which muscles should be relaxed. Learn the difference between awareness and pain, and refrain from crossing the threshold. Be gentle without comparing yourself to others. Be forgiving. Each day our body is different, and so is our yoga practice. Some days you will master vrikshasana (tree pose), some days it's "windy in the forest." Too much self-judgment will leave you feeling deflated. Celebrate small victories, and above all, have fun.

Modify Poses and Embrace Your Practice
As I mature, certain poses that came effortlessly are now challenging. I don't become angry or sad. I modify and fully understand how wonderful it is to still practice and love yoga. I understand the importance of coming home to my practice, no matter what shapes I create with my body. I have my breath and compassion. :wink:
Avoid Mirrors and Negative Self-Talk
I show myself kindness by not looking in a mirror and not allowing negative self-talk. I also squash the voices in my head that say I'm too—fill in the blank—as soon as they come up. I tell my students that there is no judgment and I need to remember that for myself. I also tell my students that their body will release a muscle or whatever when it's ready to release and not to push it and rush it.

Focus on Breath to Find Balance
When we bring our attention to the qualities of our breath, our kindness, compassion, and balanced sense of self are brought to light. When we practice slow, smooth, even breathing in our yoga-posture practices, the physical, the mental, and, most importantly, our sense of self regulate automatically. We bring our state into balance. All the internal and external judgments, worries, and comparisons go by the wayside, and we find clarity in the situation and about ourselves.